Fitness Trends "Crowd-Contest"


August 2nd- August 26th

Would you like to contribute to the success of the Fitness Industry?

Let’s unite our forces to source, filter, and evaluate new products ideas, promising technologies and revolutionary business models, to choose better strategies for 2023.

Recover Together, Recover Stronger


Contribute to the contest and you’ll get the list of the 20 main TRENDS that could change the fitness industry forever.
It’s easy and quick to participate (10/20 minutes):

1. Click on the LINK below to access the Form.
2. Fill in the REX TREND RADAR Form to share your opinion. Enter a minimum of 5 TRENDS up to a maximum of 10.
3. Right after the REX SINGAPORE GATHERING (August 30) you’ll get the 2022 TRENDS CROWD REPORT with all the ideas shared during the contest.

Click HERE to fill in the Form



No individual will correctly guess the number of jellybeans in a jar, but the average guess of a crowd comes very close, usually closer than the best individual guess.

The average faulty opinions of a large number of diverse people who estimate wrong independently will usually be more accurate than the best estimate of any single person in the crowd or expert.

Individual members of the crowd might not be as intelligent or discerning as a studied expert, but taken together, the crowd’s intelligence is far better.

This is because all of us walk around with a little information and significantly inaccurate views of the world. And when we aggregate our results, the errors tend to cancel each other out and what is distilled is pure information.

“Market forecasts for disruptive innovations almost always are terribly wrong”
Clayton Christensen

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