There are 2 main reasons:
- REXlax: to have a pause from your daily whirlwind so that you can work ON the business rather than IN your business, and see it more strategically.
- REXinnovation: to help you uncover your personal biases and the blind spots of your leadership. You can truly innovate your company when you re-innovate yourself thanks to the “peer coaching”.
The peer coaching is one of the most effective and efficient form of coaching. When seventeen colleagues are giving you feedback for no other reason that they want to help you, when you hear from others whom you respect because they own and run their own businesses, when you hear from others with similar roles to yours and what they would do differently, you listen and you act, and you’re going to be accountable to your peers when you meet them in four months time!
Joining REX is like having seventeen other business coaches in the room as opposed to one.
REX European CEO Fausto Di Giulio
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