24° gathering
Novembre 17-19, Munich

24th REX-INTERNATIONAL Team Meeting.
MUNICH, Novembre 17-19, 2021.

On the special event of the 24rd REX Gathering, the 16 members of the REX-International team will join for three entire full days in Munich.

You should attend to nurture and sharpen your entrepreneurial gut intuition through three days of strategic thinking and creative dis-connection from the daily whirlwind with international colleagues. We’ll be discussing and sharing ideas about the next innovations in all fitness industry sectors and the key sucess factors of the top 40 new fitness/boutique studios and difital fitness concepts. Special guest speakers will contribute tio the discussions.

Do you believe in innovation and change? Are you exploring new concepts? We are looking for a couple of new members who think differently and are willing to co-create the future of the fitness industry with us for a fitter and healthier planet. The maximum number of members allowed for each team is 18, and we only accept one from each country. Positions are available for Spain, Germany, China, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, India, Singapore, Japan, UAE, Israel, Thailand, South Africa, Canada, United Kingdom and others.

Positions are already occupied by UNR members for USA, Iceland, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Portugal, Netherland, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Cyprus, Poland.

Contact us for more information or to join:
REX European CEO Fausto Di Giulio



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